Class TermQuery


public final class TermQuery
extends Query

A Query that matches documents containing a term. This may be combined with other terms with a BooleanQuery.

Constructor Summary
TermQuery(Term t)
          Constructs a query for the term t.
Method Summary
 float getBoost()
          Gets the boost for this term.
 void setBoost(float b)
          Sets the boost for this term to b.
 String toString(String field)
          Prints a user-readable version of this query.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TermQuery(Term t)
Constructs a query for the term t.
Method Detail


public void setBoost(float b)
Sets the boost for this term to b. Documents containing this term will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by b.


public float getBoost()
Gets the boost for this term. Documents containing this term will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by b. The boost is 1.0 by default.


public String toString(String field)
Prints a user-readable version of this query.
toString in class Query